Website Archiving for Compliance & Litigation

(Looking for Social Media Archiving? - Click Here)

Your firm is growing, you're busy and you know compliance is not optional.

But regulators assume(wrongly) every firm has large budgets, large teams and complicated technologies, putting undue burden on firms like yours.

PageFreezer reduces that burden providing secure, reliable, and automatic archiving. It's as easy as doing a Google search and priced on a sliding scale you can afford.


Watch this quick video to see the magic.

Automatic Website Archiving - easy as a Google search.


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Automated Archiving


Pagefreezer uses crawling technology (no software installation required), similar to that of Google, to take snapshots of your website automating the process and saving you time.
Your new webpages and changes to existing pages are always captured, so your website archive is up to date.

Live Website Browsing


See exactly what your website looked like on a specific date with PageFreezer. From your dashboard view a list of all your archived websites and click on a specific archive to open the website as if it is still live.
View changes between different versions of a single webpage. You’re able to select two dates and view the textual changes between the two.

Deletions are highlighted in red and additions are highlighted in green. This makes it easy to see exactly what changed on your site from one version to another.

Advanced Website Archive Search


Looking for a specific word or sentence in your website archive?
You can leverage PageFreezers powerful search functions to find specific content across all archived websites and webpages. Enter the word or phrase in the search bar and see all chronological page versions containing it.
You can also narrow your search by filtering for specific archived websites, dates, and more. Even if you have thousands of archived pages, you can easily narrow your search and identify the particular page you need to view.

Defensible Legal Evidence


Website archives are worthless for compliance audits and litigation unless evidence of integrity and authenticity can be provided.
Pagefreezer offers trusted, non-refutable evidence, complete with metadata. Records are timestamped with a SHA-256 digital signature and can be exported in PDF and the native format.
Your data is yours, remains yours and you can export as often you like (no extra fees like others charge).
When dealing with a legal claim or audit that requires a physical copy of your files, or when you need a local copy for any other reason, get a data export of all your archived files with complete and accurate files and file structures as they existed on a specific date.

Pass Audits with Complete Confidence

Ever thought how your firm would handle a regulatory audit related to online data sources like webpages? Would your staff (or worse, you) be left scrambling to produce the required content?
Compliance doesn't have to be hard.
With PageFreezer you can have confidence your records are prepared for quick, complete retrieval any time. Never be caught scrambling to meet an audit request.

Financial Services Recordkeeping Compliance


Financial services regulations demand that online data such as webpages, social media posts, mobile text messages, and enterprise collaboration conversations be captured and preserved to comply with recordkeeping requirements. This data should also be stored in a way that makes it easy to find, search, and export specific content during regulatory audits.

eDiscovery & Litigation Readiness


Website, social media, mobile text, and enterprise collaboration content is increasingly forming part of the eDiscovery and litigation process. Because of this, financial institutions need to be able to capture, preserve, and eventually present this data in a defensible format that complies with legal rules of evidence.

Monitoring and Data Loss Prevention


Website content should be archived and regularly reviewed to ensure that messaging complies with financial industry industry regulations. Similarly, social media accounts should be monitored to ensure that no non-compliant or inaccurate claims are being made to the public, and team communication tools should be monitored for data loss prevention.

Placing Content on Legal Hold


Most organizations have a retention policy in place that outlines exactly how long online data is retained before disposal. But what happens if legal teams need a record to be kept and a retention schedule overridden? How is a social media comment or website record placed on legal hold and preserved for litigation?